Diversity and Inclusion

by Samira Djouadi

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7 lessons

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58 minutes

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11 Additional Resources

The difference often comes up against initial fears or reluctance. We struggle to welcome others when they are different from us. In reality, this reluctance is unfounded and we are depriving ourselves of all the advantages of diversity, whether in private relationships or in business. An inexhaustible source of wealth, diversity increases our power of innovation, competitiveness and creation tenfold, but above all, encourages us to open up to new perspectives. Samira Djouadi shares here her personal experience of diversity and her passionate commitment to a more inclusive society. This masterclass aims to introduce a different approach to diversity. It is a real asset not only in day-to-day relationships, but also in development strategies, in services or in business. Being trained in this central question, which makes it possible to live together better, makes it possible to perceive the challenges of diversity in France and to acquire tools for better integration. Samira Djouadi seeks above all to change society, by convincing us that we are all actors in this change. You too can discover the astonishing contributions of diversity and the personal and collective enrichment it allows.

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